The Witch Snitch

I put a spell on you... And now you're mine.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Team

YA Book Reviewer
has written 61 posts

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    Looking for The Witch Snitch to review your book?  First of all, thank you for your interest in having me review your book!  Although I am not a ‘professionally employed’ book reviewer, the reviews I cast will be posted on my blog, Goodreads, Amazon, Tumblr (with a link to my blog), and on my twitter feed (with a link to my blog).  In addition, I will spread it by word of mouth to my own Witchy friends.  If you want me to cast my spell to give an honest, genuine, and thorough review, please read my review policy first.



    All books reviewed by The Witch Snitch are personally bought by me, won in a giveaway, borrowed from the library/a friend, or received from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.  I do not sell any ARC copies, however I may choose to include them in a giveaway for promotional purposes. 

    Please be advised that although reviews will be done in a timely fashion, I will be giving a thorough amount of time to properly review each book.  If I have a large list to review and it will take me more than a month to post the review, I will inform you.

    I am currently accepting requests for books to review, but please follow and include the below listed criteria included in the ‘Books I Review’ and ‘What to Include in Requests’ sections.  To request a review, there are multiple ways to contact me – my Goodreads account (link in the right column), on this website in the ‘contact me’ box (located in the right column, or emailing me at

    Review Rating System

    When reviewing a book, along with the basic book information, I also include a free-form written review in paragraph form, positives and negatives about the book, and who I recommend or do not recommend the book to.  The book can receive up to 5 ‘wands’, with 1 being the absolute worst and 5 being the absolute best.  See the link at the top for my Rating System to see more. 

    Please make note that I really hate giving negative reviews, but I will always be honest and genuine about my opinion.  Also, take note that this opinion does not mean it is a ‘bad’ book by any means; it just might not be for me.  Regardless, I will always include the complete review parts listed in the paragraph prior.


    Books I Review

    The Witch Snitch is predominately a Young Adult/New Adult fiction review blog, but I will occasionally review adult fiction if it interests me.  The follow genres of YA/NA fiction are my preferences:

    ·         Fantasy

    ·         Paranormal

    ·         Science Fiction

    ·         Dystopian

    ·         Contemporary (Although I usually do not read YA contemporary that is –just- romance focused).

    ·         Historical Fiction

    ·         Mystery

    ·         Thriller/Horror

    In addition, I also will review graphic novels in the genres above as well as some non-fiction that includes the following genres:

    ·         New Age

    ·         Meditation

    ·         Chakras

    ·         Energy Work

    ·         Wicca/Wiccanism

    ·         Witchcraft


    What to Include in Requests

    When you send me a request for review utilizing one of the forms of contact listed above, please include the following:

    ·         Author Name

    ·         Book Title

    ·         Book Cover (if applicable)

    ·         Genre of Book

    ·         Summary/Blurb of Book

    ·         Link to Goodreads Book Page (if applicable)

    ·         Number of Pages

    ·         Way to Contact You



    If I enjoyed your book, I am looking for author interviews or character interviews to help promote you!  These will be set up in question and answer format with the questions sent to you via your contact info.  Let me know if you are open to one! Once you finish your responses you will return it to me with any preferences you have and then I will post it!  I am also open for giveaways!



    I do prefer hardcopies, but I will also accept electronic format.  I do not accept audiobooks.  If you are sending a hardcopy, please ask for my address at that time.  Please make note that if the book is sent to me without prior acceptance by me for a review, it will not guarantee a review.  There is a highly probable chance I will, but it is not guaranteed unless.

    I accept swag or myself or for giveaways.


    Once again, thank you for your interest!  I look forward to your requests.  Happy reading and blessed be!